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    Registered FLEG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    I guess I should answer. My best guess is that it is the original tone that you had, and the ease with which you slip into similar lashing. When you and I were talking early on, it was one-sided because you had zero info about me and had to make wild defensive guesses about what I do and for whom.
    (all of which were probably entertaining to some.)

    Also, technically this thread is spam. Not because you just joined to post it, but because it was a promotional message for a commercial endeavor that you reposted on more than one place. Some people draw a hard line against spam.
    I have enjoyed this thread. My wallet was never in jeopardy. I still wouldn't argue integrity with people you don't know. And I would avoid arguing integrity with Paradox.
    Let us have fun ok, let us make it a thread about what we would do with $499.00 that we could afford to throw down the toilet. And if some folks say "I want to join ACN, dammit" they are yours.
    Well I guess in that case carry on!! Have your fun!

    What all you guys having your fun can't seem to realize is that I DON'T SEE 1 DIME OF THE 499.00 WE ARE A CUSTOMER ACQUISITION COMPANY NOT A RECRUITING COMPANY! No one makes a dime unless we get customers so how you all figure I'm feeding on the less fortunate is beyond me, everyone controls his or her income not just ME.. I don't sell the company I present the INFORMATION, everyone is smart enough realize that it's not only business sense but more COMMON SENSE to get paid on services that your paying anyway!! DUHHHH!! They don't need me to make it for them.. ACN doesn't need someones 499.00

    So you all can be Right!! Carry on this is actually FUN trying to continually explain COMMON SENSE to you guy's !!
    Last edited by FLEG; 03-20-2011 at 09:50 PM.
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    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLEG View Post
    I was wondering FR why is it that members can lash out, insinuate, and even say the nasty crap to me in this thread but when I make a comment, I'm the one that gets told that I need to keep it clean? I'm not complaining at all, but does seem just a tad one sided though..
    Sorry if you see it that way. We try to be very specific about no personal attacks. A passionate discussion about the message is almost always allowed unless it becomes personal.

    We try to maintain a "never the messenger, just the message". If we missed something, sorry. I reread and don't see it. Maybe some personal editing took place. That's the best way for all anyway.

    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLEG View Post
    Well I guess in that case carry on!! Have your fun!

    What all you guys having your fun can't seem to realize is that I DON'T SEE 1 DIME OF THE 499.00 WE ARE A CUSTOMER ACQUISITION COMPANY NOT A RECRUITING COMPANY! No one makes a dime unless we get customers so how you all figure I'm feeding on the less fortunate is beyond me, everyone controls his or her income not just ME.. I don't sell the company I present the INFORMATION, everyone is smart enough realize that it's not only business sense but more COMMEN SENSE to get paid on services that your paying anyway!! DUHHHH!! They don't need me to make it for them.. ACN doesn't need someones 499.00

    So you all can be Right!! Carry on this is actually FUN trying to continually explain COMMEN SENSE to you guy's !!
    Your first version was better, I think. It was a little lighter, more fun.
    And for the record, if they don't need the 499.00, I think that you should get it.
    In fact, we don't need them. How about you send ME 499.00, and I will buy a gazillion long distance minutes and a half a gazillion Direct TV microwave beamies and we'll resell them. Fund's Communication Network. You can have license plate number FCN 2. (I get FCN 1, it was my idea.) Deregulation of the telecom industry in 1996 paved the way for ALL of us to get in the game. We'll get a place in Farmington Hills and get an endorsement from Don King.

    (I'll need you to start spelling common without an e.)
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    Registered FLEG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    Your first version was better, I think. It was a little lighter, more fun.
    And for the record, if they don't need the 499.00, I think that you should get it.
    In fact, we don't need them. How about you send ME 499.00, and I will buy a gazillion long distance minutes and a half a gazillion Direct TV microwave beamies and we'll resell them. Fund's Communication Network. You can have license plate number FCN 2. (I get FCN 1, it was my idea.) Deregulation of the telecom industry in 1996 paved the way for ALL of us to get in the game. We'll get a place in Farmington Hills and get an endorsement from Don King.

    (I'll need you to start spelling common without an e.)
    Spelling error noted and corrected.. Thank You..

    Keep the NON SENSE coming..

    Watch the show you just might see what I've been trying to say.. Obviously I have used some language that hit a nerve with a few of you ( wasn't my intent at all ) or this is just how you all get your rocks off and have FUN..
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    Registered FLEG's Avatar
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    Ok lets try something different!

    What is NETWORK MARKETING?????

    I truly believe Robert Kiyosaki summed it up nicely; it really is the business school for people who like helping people!
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    Charter Member old377guy's Avatar
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    One definition of network marketing is using the power of relationships to aquire business leads. Many, if not all chambers of commerce host regular networking socials to this very end. When this is done in a transparent mutually beneficial way it can be a great way to expand our enterprises. In fact the basis of great salesmanship is relational selling. Earn and maintain someone's trust and good things will follow. Earn and violate someone's trust and the consequences will ripple wide and far. Some of the early network marketing companies most notably Amway instructed distributors to keep "quiet" about details of an upcoming social invitation to someone's home. This method, although well meaning, almost permanently soured most folks on this type of business model. I'm reasonably sure that what many of us might object to is not the particulars of ACN, but the perception of what it is. Again FLEG, all the best to you, just be advised that the majority of folks are not network minded.
    People we meet in life are either a Blessing or a Lesson
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    Founding Member Buoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLEG View Post
    Well I guess in that case carry on!! Have your fun!
    OK - with your blessing - GAME ON!!

    I'm so intrigued by this hoax at this point, that I may actually watch the show.
    If you are doing nothing else, you ARE promoting the show.
    Good for you, you are achieving what you set out to do.
    A lot of people here have already decided you are a dick-bag, but they will probably still watch the show.
    Congrats - that's an achievement with this crowd.
    I'm interested to see how it plays out.
    "Keep the bottle on the bar Ira, I won't be long".
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    Registered FLEG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by old377guy View Post
    One definition of network marketing is using the power of relationships to aquire business leads. Many, if not all chambers of commerce host regular networking socials to this very end. When this is done in a transparent mutually beneficial way it can be a great way to expand our enterprises. In fact the basis of great salesmanship is relational selling. Earn and maintain someone's trust and good things will follow. Earn and violate someone's trust and the consequences will ripple wide and far.

    The simplest explanation of network marketing is that it is a method of marketing that utilizes independent representatives to reach potential customers that a company otherwise would not reach with traditional online or offline marketing methods.

    It is extremely important to understand that this method of marketing is not about bugging your friends and family members, as many would love for you to believe.

    It is about your ability and skill to determine from those individuals within your circle of influence who would be interested in the products or services that your company has to offer…

    … That information alone is one of the critical elements that separates those who fail, from those who go on to become very successful!

    And occasionally you might uncover a few individuals, who also want to start a business!

    If you want to call your own shots in life, if you’re willing to get the education you will need to run a small business, if you enjoy working with people, then network marketing just might be right kind of business for you.

    If on the other hand, you’re only in it for the money or you just don’t like dealing with people well then…

    … You’ll most likely end up failing!

    Personally I’ve found running a network marketing business to be a very rewarding. While it does give you the freedom from punching someone else’s clock, now you’ll be punching your clock and will have to hold yourself accountable!

    If your currently employed the training you’ll get from having a network marketing business will give you a deeper appreciation of what your employer has to deal with on a daily basis. You will also become a far better communicator, someone who really listens and address the wants and needs of others!

    Take for example the insurance industry.

    How often have you seen ads on television that use the term, “Independent Insurance Agent or Associate?”

    Yet, as we watch these advertisements we naturally assume they are employees of the company, when in reality they are independent business owners!

    How do these Independent Insurance Agents get paid? My guess would be that they make a commission from the parent company for finding and securing a customer for the company..

    Now my question for all you nay sayers is how does the example above differ from what i do? Because its apparent that in the insurance industry they build a team of REPS that sell there product and compensate them for doing it.

    Another good example is the Securities Industry.. Same thing they build a team of brokers which in turn are paid commissions for there efforts..
    Last edited by FLEG; 03-22-2011 at 08:32 AM.
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    Registered FLEG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by old377guy View Post
    Again FLEG, all the best to you, just be advised that the majority of folks are not network minded.
    Thanks I appreciate your vote of confidence..

    And I understand that most people don't understand the power of NETWORKING!!

    That's why I think the guys that posted all the negativity, there 13 yr old kids must have logged on to there accts and said what they posted because I know most educated adults know better than that!!

    I do believe that it can and will help a lot of people down on there luck and out of a job.. Hell unemployment is close to 10% now and I don't see it getting any better anytime soon..

    So if someone can better themselves and make money in a economy that's not getting any better for a minimal investment why not try? There are some very good MLM's out there not just ACN.
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    Registered FLEG's Avatar
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    Here's some more food for thought for ya!!!

    How Does Network Marketing Work?

    Putting it All Together

    Today there are millions of people around the world building this unseen industry called network marketing.

    The DSA reports that there are over 13 million people in the U.S involved in direct selling.

    You do not see them but they are everywhere, some probably right in your own neighborhood. It is a business in which common people can invest a small sum of money and rise to staggering levels of financial reward and personal freedom.

    Each day millions of people report to work, where your employer leverages your time to build his or her business and financial future.

    In Network Marketing we help and assist others in building their business. We are also leveraging their time, with each of us is gathering customers along the way.

    Hence the name Network. We get paid for this because we are assisting, coaching and helping them to establish their business. Helping them to reach their goals for their financial future. So Its only right that we also get paid for our time?

    Just like your employer leverages your time, through network marketing you can leverage the time of others. What does this mean?

    Lets take a look at a typical employer in a service industry with 100 or more employees. That has a labor rate of 60 dollars per hour. The goal of our employer is to keep each employee active and busy for each hour paid.

    Out of this once all the costs of doing business are factored in such as wages paid, health insurance, unemployment insurance, federal taxes, state taxes, fica taxes, permits, maintenance, housekeeping, the list just goes on and on. The employer may get to keep 5 to 10 dollars per hour of that labor rate.

    In Network Marketing, we have our initial start up costs anywhere from just a few dollars to several hundred dollars. Where most network marketers fail is they feel that they don’t need a marketing budget for advertising, they don’t seek out the education required to succeed.

    One of the important things to remember is, you are in a real business, you no longer have a boss holding you accountable. Your network marketing success or failure is dependent upon you and your actions.

    Your primary task will be to gathering customers for your products or services. To help and assist others get started in their own business partnered with you. You are looking at a business model that will take 3 to 5 years to produce the kind of results you’re looking for.

    So don’t give up your day job just yet. It will require 5 to 20 hours of consistent time and effort each week to build a successful Network Marketing Business. It will require a marketing budget, most people do not even consider this.

    This is a real business this is your business, not a get rich quick overnight program, although it has been hyped by a great many naive marketers and web sites.

    Network marketing is based on word of mouth advertising which is the most effective form of advertising. Think about it when you go out, watch a great movie, you will go out and tell people about it.

    When Sam’s club or Costco moved to your area, you joined their buying club and started telling everyone how much you saved. This is the power of word of mouth advertising.

    Major advertising agencies and companies count on this. This is one of the things that we do as network marketers. The major difference is that we get paid for our word of mouth advertising.

    One of the most often asked questions is, will I have to sell products and services? The answer is of course yes.

    Think about it, no one likes to have a salesman or woman come to the door and sell them products right.

    We hate to go to the automobile dealers, where we are swarmed with 5 different sales people all trying to get you to buy from them right!

    So how are we as a network marketer different? We recommend products or services that we like and personally use. If we know it’s good and personally use it, recommending it to our friends and family is very easy.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLEG View Post
    And I understand that most people don't understand the power of NETWORKING!!

    That's why I think the guys that posted all the negativity, there 13 yr old kids must have logged on to there accts and said what they posted because I know most educated adults know better than that!!
    Your propensity to underestimate and minimize your audience will be a primary factor in your failure as a salesman.

    Quote Originally Posted by FLEG View Post
    I do believe that it can and will help a lot of people down on there luck and out of a job.. Hell unemployment is close to 10% now and I don't see it getting any better anytime soon..
    So, are you saying that 10% of the population is ready and available to become MLM tycoons? Or are you acknowledging that your potential market has been reduced by 10%, because the unemployed don't buy Iris 5000 videophones?
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    Quote Originally Posted by afr View Post
    whats the energy now available
    you got some kinda generator deal ?? that dont cost as much a rv
    or is it all just communication and entertainment
    and how would one get the right,s to market and area / town
    With the deregulation of energy that's taking place, basically the government is putting a stop to the HUGE energy companies monopolizing the industry and saying that the smaller companies can now go after there piece of the pie!

    So it's putting us in a position to market gas and electricity too customers..

    You would get to market the products we sell by becoming a independent representative.. if you want to know more please PM me, i would be happy to answer any of your questions and I can give u our website address..
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    Your propensity to underestimate and minimize your audience will be a primary factor in your failure as a salesman. Whatever

    So, are you saying that 10% of the population is ready and available to become MLM tycoons?No not at all!! Not everyone is into MLM but for the business minded people who are in sales do well in it because they know how to market product and grasp the power of building wealth by distribution!! Which is how Ray Crock did it with Mcdonalds, he has thousands of Franchise Owners distributing billions of hamburgers all over the world!! Which is what ACN does has us distribute there products all over the world.. SIMPLE CONCEPT I THINK!!! Or are you acknowledging that your potential market has been reduced by 10%, because the unemployed don't buy Iris 5000 videophones?No most unemployed don't buy the I 5000 but they do pay for there local and long distance, cell phone, satellite TV, Internet, gas and electric which are all ACN services.. That can save them MONEY!
    I take great pride in helping people.. Contrary to what you and the other founding members think!!
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLEG View Post
    Contrary to what you and the other founding members think!!
    You don't know what I think. You have no clue whatsoever.

    (See item 1: your propensity to underestimate the audience.)
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    Quote Originally Posted by PARADOX View Post
    On the thread thing... Is is a pyramid scam. Fleg has no clue about life and integrity, and I said all what's needed somewhere else already, AND the whole thread got deleted. Delete this thread . or not no matter. Fleg is welcomed to discuss his Baja all day long. As far as his pyramid scam thing. Outta here.
    It never ceases to amaze me the extreme polar views on the topic of network marketing and MLM. Some people are passionate about it in the extreme, and there are even top celebrity authors like Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen, and Robert Kiyosaki doing it and advocating it. Yet, in many circles, you might as well declare yourself a leper as admit to being in network marketing.

    So, what is the problem with MLM and network marketing?

    Maybe it's the pyramid structure? But you can't really take issue with the tiered compensation structure—almost every large sales organization in the world has that. Salespeople get commission, and sales managers get overrides or bonuses on top of that, and sales directors on top of that, and VPs on top of that.

    Or maybe it's the fact that you have to pay to participate in it? But that can't be it—that's a standard franchising model. And I assure you, the franchise fee of most traditional franchises dwarf the sign-up cost of any MLM program by comparison.

    Now certainly, there are illegal pyramid, or "Ponzi", schemes. This is where the money is all being made off of signing up other people, with little or no real product ever being delivered. But in spite of whatever perceptions people may have, the fact is that ACN, Amway, Excel, Meleleuca, PrePaid Legal, USANA, and many others have sold millions upon millions of dollars of products to happy customers, many of whom are NOT also reps. So, there may be a perception problem here, but if so, the perception is out of line with the reality.

    But surely the bad reputation MLM'ers has some more basis in fact than the occasional illegal pyramid scheme?

    The real problem with MLM is not MLM itself, but some of the people it attracts. Network marketing is just a business model, and it really amounts to "micro-franchising". Its upside is that it has a very low cost of entry, with the potential for exceptional revenue, and there are those who achieve that.

    There's a first time for everything. And network marketing/MLM is a great opportunity for people to have their first business, their first sales role, etc. My point is this—recognize it for what it is: it's a business, and you are a business owner. And if you've never owned a business before, if you've never done sales before, if you've never networked before, you need to learn about how to do so, not just from the network marketing/MLM experts, but from established experts in those fields.

    Network marketers who are serious about building a business should be reading and learning about business fundamentals, the latest sales and marketing techniques, strategies for networking and business development, etc., not just swapping tips at your team's weekly or monthly meeting. Act like a small business owner, and people will treat you like one.

    We look for the people who wanna go to the TOP with us, FRANKLY WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO BABY SIT, we present the information and most people like saving money so they do become customers.. And there are those that do like the fact that they can make money also and do become business partners, and we tell those people if your gonna do the business great take it by the horns and run WE WILL HELP YOU otherwise if your just gonna limp in and not do anything don't bother we don't need your money!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by fund razor View Post
    You don't know what I think. You have no clue whatsoever.

    (See item 1: your propensity to underestimate the audience.)
    Sorry I must admit I took for granted the meaning of PROPENSITY.. And your right I had no clue what that word meant until I looked it up.. I guess I spoke again on emotion rather than what you were trying to tell me maybe you are different than the others, but when your called things like scum, dick bag etc. by people who have no clue who i am pisses me off..

    I do have a clue though on the power of Network Marketing and what it can do for people that treat it like a MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS not a 500.00 BUSINESS!!
    Last edited by FLEG; 03-22-2011 at 11:20 AM.
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    Registered rschap1's Avatar
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    This place is way too nice and friendly.
    Other places I frequent are far less tolerant and would call a spade a spade..

    especially on it's very first post
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    The phone thing sure sounds like a sucker deal.
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    Founding Member fund razor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLEG View Post
    Sorry I must admit I took for granted the meaning of PROPENSITY.. And your right I had no clue what that word meant until I looked it up.. maybe you are different than the others, but when your called things like scum, dick bag etc. by people who have no clue who i am pisses me off..
    I'm not really that different from them, and you don't seem to be either. But, as a veteran of many, many internet pizzing contests, I know that there are no winners.
    Now, a reasoned debate... THAT has a winner.

    You were still treated much better here than other places, and I think that says something about the overall lack of interest in most people here in a bunch of fighting and attacking. All in all... for a spam thread that you gave it as much poking as you got... you were spared the worst of what you might have gotten.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TCEd View Post

    The phone thing sure sounds like a sucker deal.
    Please do a complete search before posting!
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