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  1. Collapse Details
    Bob M Marine Kinetics
    Just a word of thanks to Bob M. I had some cam questions and questions about my "questionable" combination.

    Thanks to all members who offered advice and answered many questions on my thread here. A common theme in my thread and most others I've searched on all forums are "call Bob!"

    Not being a customer, it didn't "feel right" to call. A member here said call him anyway cuz you will be a customer.

    I sent an email with some questions including my phone number and a link to the thread.

    Bob read the thread and called me. He spent a full hour PLUS on the phone educating me and giving me the best advice he could offer with what I had to work with. He said he was glade I included my number as he hates to type...

    I called him back when I found (yet anuther) error in my math and he spent even more time w/me.

    As the member posted... "even if I'm not a customer yet, I will be." Bob is the BEST. I see why all the cam threads say "Call Bob!"

    When I get ready to start over, before I buy the first gasket, I'll be "Calling Bob" He is an encyclopedia of engine knowledge. Top notch people like this are getting far and few between. He knew he wasn't making any money but just wanted to help me out.

    Obviously, many people already know this but, I felt it surly deserved mentioning again.

    I know yer on your way to Daytona Bob, have a great trip and enjoy. You've earned your reputation and your time away! Have fun and Thank You!

    Mark Underwood
    Last edited by Underdog88; 01-28-2011 at 08:11 PM.
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  2. Collapse Details
    bob call me after i post my motor promblems and set me on the rigth path. he is a nice guy to deal with!!
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  3. Collapse Details
    Registered CRT's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    NYS, Need to move south
    I agree Bob helped me answer some questions and I will be working with him soon again. He spent along time with me on the phone and sent some lengthy emails. Top Notch.!
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  4. Collapse Details
    Founding Member / Super Moderator Ratickle's Avatar
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    Impressive to know....

    Getting bad advice is unfortunate, taking bad advice is a Serious matter!!
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