Quote Originally Posted by speedthriller View Post
You know it's funny because I went on that site a few times just to see if I even wanted to join but after looking at some of the threads and the way people act exactly how your describing I made the clear choice to join here instead. I'm glad I joined this site seems like a great one and looking forward to it. Seemed to me like there was a group of people over there who would get together and just attack individuals on that site. I'll leave it at that because I don't like to stir things up but anyways just wanted to say that Im looking forward to learning as much as I possible can from this site seems like there's a lot of knowledgable people on here!
Welcome to Serious!
OSO always found OSO to be a bit intimidating to new members. I lurked on that site for at least a year before joining back ~2001. The site was MUCH smaller back then. Since they grew, a lot of the newer members saw that intimidation was a way to be accepted on that site, and some played (and continue to play) that intimidation mentality.
When IB took over OSO, it went to hell for a while, and this place was created. From what I understand OSO has gotten better as far as the operation. I don't know, I just decided to stay here - this is where a lot of the other members that I always enjoyed interacting with have stayed. A few have left "Internet boating" all together, and some have gone back to OSO.
It's all fine by me, but if I choose to interact at all, it's here.
Anyway, welcome to Serious!