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  1. Collapse Details
    Finally made the switch from OSO to SOS, the ugly
    Well I finally had enough with OSO I actually had been a member over there for nearly 10 years, past 2 years just continued to piss me off to the point I now hide personal info. Last straw was OSO protecting TSPM from a chity deal they did with another member. Threads and posts of legitmate questions were disappearing. Quality and passion is just not there anymore (meaning OSO). I also found myself having a very hard time logging on several times after I disagreed with sponcers or Forum moderators, not a conspiracy expert here but really too much to be coincidence.

    Looking forward to being here, hope some of the fun and passion I was apart of 10 years ago on OSO I can finsd once again. I even remember meeting with Steve in Don Arnows office, fun times.
    Last edited by TampaBeach; 06-16-2010 at 12:01 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBILEMERCMAN View Post

    W E L C O M E
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    Registered Offshore Ginger's Avatar
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    Charter Member old377guy's Avatar
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    welcome TB-Jeff
    People we meet in life are either a Blessing or a Lesson
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  6. Collapse Details
    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?
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  7. Collapse Details
    Registered Bgchuby01's Avatar
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    welcome here, OSO had there certain MODS that ran it like there own little playground ceding to the whims of steve shuble. Here you can post without your post being deleted because a certain mod did not agree
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  8. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Bgchuby01 View Post
    welcome here, OSO had there certain MODS that ran it like there own little playground ceding to the whims of steve shuble. Here you can post without your post being deleted because a certain mod did not agree
    Cool, looking forward to being over here. I think it is safe to say in the past few years OSO just sold out, protect those dollars, forget the people who actually made it what it is.
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  9. Collapse Details
    Yeah oso is freakin stupid they banned me out of the blue for making like one or two posts about my website, that I made a month earlier. No warrning or anything. At least this place sos was cool enough not to kick me off for doing the samething. So I will obviously be here full time.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bgchuby01 View Post
    welcome here, OSO had there certain MODS that ran it like there own little playground ceding to the whims of steve shuble. Here you can post without your post being deleted because a certain mod did not agree
    That's not true. A post I made on SOS was deleted last week. Funny thing is the complete thread is now deleted. So it happpens for whatever reason.
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  11. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by detail toyz View Post
    Yeah oso is freakin stupid they banned me out of the blue for making like one or two posts about my website, that I made a month earlier. No warrning or anything. At least this place sos was cool enough not to kick me off for doing the samething. So I will obviously be here full time.
    Actually I think that has happen to me as well, I have not been able to log on OSO for 3 days, to check the thread on TSPM. It just says the server is busy. Sad part is I was not vulger, or rude ever. I just caught one of their advertisers in a LIE that they made money from, and when confronted, I get banned. F them and that site.
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  12. Collapse Details
    Registered Donziweasel's Avatar
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    I don't post much on either site, but I like to read them.

    I feel this thread is hypocritical. You all left or don't like OSO for your own reasons. Let's just call it collectively "bad juju". Then you come over here and bash the site. Isn't this attitude why you left? Why bring the bad juju over here? I thought SOS was supposed to be above this stuff.

    How about "I just joined SOS and think this is a great site. I feel it is more of what I am looking for than other sites". Now you have maintained the integrity of SOS and made it clear you came from somewhere else that perhaps didn't suit your tastes.

    I personally left a site this past fall because of, lets just say, issues I had with the site. Joined another site, but never bashed the one I left in public. I will admit I discussed my views on the old site in private with freinds, but never posted about it. Made alot of friends on the one I left and many of them frequent both sites.

    Anyway, just my .02, not trying to start anything.

    Long live SOS......
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    Welcome Donziweasel , I hope you enjoy our site. I understand your point.. This thread should not be about bashing the other.

    We all chose to be here. ENJOY
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  14. Collapse Details
    hey DW, glad you made it over...
    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?
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  15. Collapse Details
    Registered Donziweasel's Avatar
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    Thanks for the welcome. I have been a member for while, just like to lurk. I have some good friends here from other sites, including Buizilla.

    I have watched all the hub bub for the last couple of months in regards to both sites. There are those that like only OSO, those that like only SOS, and those who like both. While it has been interesting reading, all the mud slinging between the two isn't helping either site. Time to move on.......

    Since I am a newbie to posting here, my opinion probably isn't worth much, but I just wanted to post a view from a unbaised member of both sites. Too be honest, SOS is probably more my taste, as it seems to have a lighter tone and is more about boating than boating chat site politics, which I have had enough of in recent months.

    I consider my "home" site, but look foward to posting more here in the future.

    Thanks again
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  16. Collapse Details
    Registered Donziweasel's Avatar
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    Well, Jim, all I can say is- do you really think I wouldn't get more active in a site you are a charter member of????
    Last edited by BUIZILLA; 06-17-2010 at 03:48 PM. Reason: spelling po-po
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  17. Collapse Details
    Yea, Donziwezel

    I get your point, I guess I was just using that as another one of the reasons I have made the switch. I really don't feel like something is bashing IF it is true!! But you are right I do not want bad JUJU.

    Anyway happy to meet you, I bring nearly 25 years of boating experience and worked for a baja, Eliminator, Fountain Dealer for many years and really enjoy helping /advising anywhere I can.

    Last edited by TampaBeach; 06-18-2010 at 08:01 AM.
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  18. Collapse Details
    Registered Donziweasel's Avatar
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    Tampa, damn, you have a hell of a lot of experience! Me, owned a couple of Donzi's, and stick mainly to the classics. I have 1979 Criterion right now that I am putting a 540 in. For some reason, I seem to spend more time messing with my boats than actually driving them!

    Glad to see old friends and new ones here.......I like the site.

    I didn't mean anything personal. Just happy to be here!
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  19. Collapse Details
    Quote Originally Posted by Donziweasel View Post
    Well, Jim, all I can say is- do you really think I wouldn't get more active in a site you are a charter member of????
    you can keep the snow though...
    does Santa's sleigh have a blower ?
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    Hey guys, I started working at a boat ramp in 1975, I have been working on and around boats ever since. Got to love it.
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