Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
I've also thought about picking up a Wellcraft for experimentation. They did a few things with the boat that I liked, also, design-wise. How was the build quality of yours? Do you think any old one (say, '77 or earlier) will almost certainly need stringer/transom work if it hasn't had it already?
I had a '79 for 10 years. I replaced the transom and the stringers in the engine compartment. The rest were gone by the time I got rid of it. The woven roving covering the stringers and transom was so coarse that there were pin holes in the fabric. It had to start soaking up water from the first moment it was rolled outside and it rained. The transom was not laid or sprayed in place. It had an inner mold glassed in and there where large voids between it and the wood core of the transom. It had to have been holding a lot of water. After cutting the inner fiberglass away, the majority of the transom came out in handfulls like mulch.