Quote Originally Posted by GENERAL LEE View Post
LOL, it's only been out for a couple of years! I'm not trying to be the H20 mascot, just trying to give them a break from the complaints so they don't feel like their efforts are going un-noticed.

I started supporting them after they simply corrected a mistake with my subscription awhile back, by sending all of the missing issues to me by express mail asap. Ned also followed up with me to insure that I had received all of them, and that I was aware my subscription going forward would be taked care of, as well as be "started over". That's ONE subscriber out of thousands, so I noticed. As anyone that's been powerboating for awhile knows, having ANYONE in this business give a chit about you, is a mini victory!

After getting the shaft by some of the other magazines that unfortunately had financial troubles, it was nice to see H20 was doing well, AND cared enough about it's readers likes & dislikes to stay informed through the forums. The only other magazine I remember doing that was Extreme Boats, but unfortunately they weren't able to stay afloat.

Over the last couple of years, we're essentially down to just Powerboat, Performance Boats, & H20 for our magazines that ONLY cover powerboats. Poker Runs America is nice too, but more of a "photo album" (which I like!). I love the forums, but still like the magazines, so hopefully these remaining few will make it. Powerboat has been more like a brochure lately, since advertising money is more scarce, and I am not aware of how Performance Boats is holding up, but I hope it's positive.

Since Ned is the only one of the magazines' that actively posts with regard to what's coming up in the next issue, how the magazine looks to us, giving away free subscriptions, etc, I try to support them in any way I can? They continue to improve the product by finding out what the readers want rather than assuming, and give us the best content possible as a result.

It's no different than supporting Chris & this forum, to help him make it the best he can for all of us to enjoy.
I'm glad that question was asked because I remember you being one of the biggest complainers out there about this magazine.

But like anything else you have to look at stuff in perspective. Its not the end of the world if you dont get a magazine delivered,Free or Otherwise.

Its 2009 and there is more important stuff to worry out.

I hear its a great magazine though.